
Funny pictures of the day – Cheaters

Good morning "Devotee" Fans!  How are all of you?  I'm doing great!  If you did not know already, I'm planning another screening for "The Testimony of a Devotee" while in the process of submitting the film to festivals!  Also, today is my birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME) and as I look back on things that I have accomplished.  I'm looking forward to all the new challenges ahead!!!

My treat for all of you today is this blog: http://www.funstuffdaily.com/2010/04/14/funny-pictures-of-the-day-cheaters/  Funny cheating pictures you don't want to miss!!!Below, enjoy this still photo from the set of my film "The Testimony of a Devotee" that premierSat, March 20th.  Actress Jewel Redhead in the photo - ENJOY!!!
Evelyn S. Oliver

Sapphire Productions
owner, film editor, producer, director

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